Script Spam v 1.0

hello everyone ! today i will teach you how to create a script for spam like this site

so first you will need to this script from Server 1 / Server 2 (main base)
  1. go to 000webhost and create a new account
  2. Go to your mailbox and Confirm you email adress
  3. back to 000webhost and click in cPanel and create a subdomain ( for more security because the provider can shutdown the site at any time )
  4. download fillezilla ( direct link ) then open it
  5. now all infomation from cpanel and paste them in fillezilla such ( server name , username and password ) then login
  6. extract the script in public_html ( with no subfloder )
  7. click in MySQL from cPanel and create a new database
  8. go to phpmyadmin from cPanel and go to your Database
  9. go back to fillezilla and open the folder " File4is " and click in " connect.php "
  10. change " localhost " by your MySQL host , $dbuser by usernmae , etc...
  11. now go to your hosted website you will find it !
If You Didin't UnderStand you can just watch this video

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