Server Maker V3.2

Online Counter Strike 1.6 Server Maker

Welcome in " Counter Strike 1.6 Brute Force Hosting "

Server Configuration :

  • 32 Slots
  • Low Ping
  • High K/D ratio
  • High uptime
  • Low latency
  • War.cfg is configured
  • Zombie Mode Is Configured

If you want get a counter strike server just follow these steps
1) Copy this Message and paste it 5 times in Facebook comment's
2) make you sure that you completed all steps

Speed Test

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Mafia Game Script v 2.1

السلام عليكم و رحمت الله و بركاته
إضغط هنــــا لمشاهدة السكربت Mafia Game Script v 2.1 اليوم أنا أقدم لكم سكربت جديد

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Années 80 Années 1900
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(En cliquant, vous confirmez que vous comprenez et acceptez nos termes et conditions)

FileCloud Service

FileCloud Service

FileCloud is a file hosting service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and client software. FileCloud allows users to create a special folder on each of their computers, which Dropbox then synchronizes so that it appears to be the same folder (with the same contents) regardless of which computer is used to view it. Files placed in this folder also are accessible through a website and mobile phone applications FileCloud is managed by Ahmed Ben Soltana. FileCloud is a security and privacy oriented cloud storage service that gives access to people’s data anywhere, anytime and from any device. FileCloud makes storing, syncing and sharing of data easy. Our users have the ability to store, sync and share files, contacts, calendars, notes, music, photos, videos and a lot more. Listen to your music online, browse your photos with automatically organized albums, view your documents (such as PDF/ODF/TXT) and there are additional features available. FileCloud’s unique external storage feature makes it possible to access, view, edit files stored on Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3 etc. unified in your FileCloud account.
Detail :
- FileCloud Is hosted in
- When You Click On buy buttom Send Me just your username then i will check your payment and make you have a pro plan
- Contact me if you want a 7 days trial account
Why File Cloud :
- Unlimited Cloud Storage : Unlike other cloud storage services here at just cloud we don't limit the amount of files you can store, so you can enjoy the freedom of unlimited online storage.
- Access Files Anywhere : Access your files wherever, whenever through our online control panel, mobile apps or mobile optimized site. Never be without your files again.
- Sync Multiple Computers : Automatically sync files across computers. You decide which files and folders you want to sync and JustCloud works in the background to sync them to the cloud.
- Drag & Drop to Backup : Quickly and easily drag individual files to your Just Cloud app or online control panel. It’s a simple way to sync files straight to all your devices.

Plans :

- FileCloud Plan : Unlimted Files , Unlimited Disk Space 9.99 $/ year

Recruiting Technique Support : Right Now FileCloud Service Need Technique Support who are always online that they can manage tickets and help clients so if you are interssed send me at : ahmed[at]ahmed-tn[dot]com . actually i'm looking for someone who is talented . If you are talented like taking tickets manage clients i'm are looking for you. Write a post experimental + define yourself and send to me your blog/site you must have one
Hurry because 3 managers from 5 remaining
benefits of Managers : A Second Level Account After The Admin Wich you have Unlimited Space Disk , see all clients , answer to client's ticket of corse after agreeing to the " Support Rules "
Note : Once You Sended a Message For Recruting To the technique Support you must Agree with " Support Rules "
Support Rules :
  1. These Rules Cloud Change at any time.
  2. To Delete / Ban Clients You Have to Ask the admin first ( me )
  3. At Least you must Support FileCloud 5 hours in the week and if not you get kicked.
  4. Hacking / taking control of another client is not Authorized and if i get any Report You will Kicked.
  5. i prohibit if any Technique Support from any activity on their account that may harm servers or cause inconvenience to customers. he will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision, and i reserve the right to deactivate his account and kick him at any time for any reason without refund!.
  6. i prohibit our Technique Support from any activity on their account that may lead to excessive usage of shared resources. If an account is consistently consuming an unacceptable amount of resources, i reserve the right to Kick Him From FileCloud.
  7. If you decide to cancel your account with us, please email me with your account username.
  8. Failure to comply with the above terms and conditions are grounds for suspension and/or termination of account. Any abuse of my services is strictly prohibited, and may lead to immediate account suspension / Kick. Please read the above mentioned terms carefully before signing up for A Technique Support Account.

OwnCloud Service


OwnCloud is a file hosting service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and client software. OwnCloud allows users to create a special folder on each of their computers, which Dropbox then synchronizes so that it appears to be the same folder (with the same contents) regardless of which computer is used to view it. Files placed in this folder also are accessible through a website and mobile phone applications OwnCloud is managed by Ahmed Ben Soltana.
OwnCloud is a security and privacy oriented cloud storage service that gives access to people’s data anywhere, anytime and from any device. OwnCloud makes storing, syncing and sharing of data easy. Our users have the ability to store, sync and share files, contacts, calendars, notes, music, photos, videos and a lot more. Listen to your music online, browse your photos with automatically organized albums, view your documents (such as PDF/ODF/TXT) and there are additional features available. OwnCloud’s unique external storage feature makes it possible to access, view, edit files stored on Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3 etc. unified in your OwnCloud account.
Detail :
- OwnCloud Is hosted in
- When You Click On buy buttom Send Me just your username then i will check your payment and make you have a pro plan
- You can download OwnCloud for Windows / Linux / Mac OS X to use in your pc
Plans :
- Free Plan : 2 GB Disk Space Lifetime

- Pro Plan : 2000 GB Disk Space ,Premium Download Bandwidth, Direct Downloads & Hotlinking

Secure Payment with : 

  • Create a new account in OwnCloud

  • Should be Empty:

مشاهدة الوطنية 1 مباشر

مشاهدة قناة حنبعل مباشر

مشاهدة قناة التونسية مباشر

إذاعة المنستير

الإذاعة الوطنية

Cap Fm

إذاعة الزيتونة clone script clone script

Download From ( File Size : 32 MB ) : Server 1 / Server 2 / Server 3 / Server 4

: شرح السكربت إرفع جميع الملفات التي توجد في السرفر الخاص بك 
وقم بتعديله حسب قاعدة البيانات السرفر public_html/install/ FTP إذهب عبر 

if(!$dprotect) die ('Access Denied!');

define('DB_HOST', '');
define('DB_USER', 'db_yourname');
define('DB_NAME', 'db_yourdatabasename');
define('DB_PASS', 'db_databasepassword');
و هنا قم بتعديل موقعك و شكرا إذهب إلى موقعك 

Anonyme Vpn

 هو برنامج كالبروكسي يقوم إخفاء مكانك الأصلي بمكان آخر و يستعمل للتصفح المجهول Anonyme Vpn

Download From : Server 1 / Server 2 / Server 3

The Password :

Arabic Keyboard


D S s' s z r d' d H' j t' t b a

- y w h n m l k q f g' g Z T

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9      
Mode d'emploi   Pour écrire directement avec le clavier d'ordinateur :
  • Pour les lettres emphatiques, écrire en majuscule
    exemple : H, S, D, T, Z
  • Pour les lettres accompagnées d'un diacritique, ajouter une apostrophe
    exemple : t', H', d', s', S', T', g'
  • Caractères spéciaux :
    pour le caractère     taper sur le clavier
    ء (hamza) -   (tiret)
    ئ   y--
    ؤ   w--
    إ   a--
    أ   -a
    آ   aa
    ى (alif maqsura) Y
    ة (ta marbouta) h'
    لا   la

  • Les lettres correspondant aux sons g, p, v n'existent pas en arabe. Mais pour retranscrire certains mots d'origine européenne, on utilise ces équivalences :
    pour le caractère taper sur le clavier
    g   ڨ Algérie, Tunisie   q'
    g ڭ Maroc k'
    p پ   p ou b'
    v ڢ Algérie, Tunisie v
    v ڤ Maroc f'
    ch چ   c ou j'
Notes :
  • Les caractères arabes n'ont pas toujours la même forme lorsqu'ils sont placés au début, au milieu ou à la fin d'un mot.
  • Les chiffres ci-dessus sont utilisés seulement dans les pays orientaux.

Copier [Ctrl]+[C] & Coller [Ctrl]+[V]

new email account registration (* = required)

  login names must contain 3-20 characters, begin with a letter, and use only letters, numbers, the underscore, and no spaces.
  passwords are case sensitive and must be 6-12 characters in length.
re-enter password:*
security code:*
Reload Image CAPTCHA Image

* I have read and understood the terms and conditions

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